Our Guarantee

“We believe when you choose Robertson Bodyworks for your collision repairs, you’re putting your family’s safety and trust in our hands…and we honour that trust.”

That’s why Robertson Bodyworks Inc. offers our exclusive Lifetime Warranty. It not only guarantees the quality of the work we do, but it also guarantees the safety of your repairs for as long as you own your vehicle.

Our guarantee honours the trust our customers provide us, and respects the higher standard we’ve set for collision repair quality and your safety.”

Insurance Claims

At Robertson Bodyworks, we handle all insurance claims. Our assurance is that proper communication with the insurance company will be adhered to in order to receive the coverage necessary to perform a top-quality repair.

Contact Robertson Bodyworks today!

Automotive Painting – Edmonton – Robertsons Bodyworks
Lifetime Warranty 780-437-9500
Quality Automotive Painting Since 2001
Open Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
5230 99 St. Edmonton (South)